DevCon 5 HTML5 and Mobile App Developer Conference

Technology Marketing Corp. and Crossfire Media
25-26 Apr 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Clara, US
$595 - $795 Use Code DF for 15% discount

DevCon5 is an HTML5 and Mobile App Developer Conference for web developers, designers, architects as well as technology leaders and business strategists. This event will focus on how to use HTML5 to create dynamic user experiences and create new mobile business models while exploiting the power of this new language.

The conference is a three track program comprised of a Gaming/Mobile Track, User Interface Track, and an Animation Track. Attendees will learn everything from the implementation and execution of HTML5, to building new business models based on HTML5 Mobile, Cloud and ecommerce capabilities. Attendees will hear how HTML5 enables both the cloud and the mobile network to deliver ubiquitous applications and enterprise solutions. DevCon5 will highlight how to efficiently write code to optimize development time and deliver applications across multiple platforms. DevCon5 will highlight the tools that are available to developers to support applications and mobility now and in the future. DevCon5 topics include; CSS3, HTML5, JTouch, PhoneGap, Node.js, Unity, Canvas, WebGL, building API’s for HTML5, and more

Hear from Google, Adobe, Micorsoft, Joyent, Sencha, Qualcomm, and more View agenda here

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