Mini Meetup : Agile Is As Agile Does

Agile Alliance Australia - Sydney Chapter
Mon, 2 Apr 2012, 07:45 - 09:45 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Sydney, AU

As an experiment we want to try some different formats for our meetings, one idea is to hold "mini" meetups where we limit the session to 30 mins. Here is our first one, it would finish at 6:30. (15 mins socialising then 20 min talk, 10 min questions)


Note: we will still be holding our monthly longer meetups, this is in addition to that.


Here is the topic for our first 'mini' meetup...


Atlassian's GreenHopper is a tool for agile project management, and the team that builds GreenHopper practices agile to understand the methodologies and to build a better tool that supports them. 

After several years working on the development of an Agile tool, the longest serving team member reflects on the aspects of agile which has benefited the team and how the team used that experience to build a better product.

This talk is suitable for agile beginners, and is from the point of view of a team member involved in design and development. This is not a sales pitch for GreenHopper.

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