AMQP, 0MQ and Pusher

the Code Lounge
24-25 Apr 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Auckland, NZ



I've always been interested in messaging and with JMS going the way of the dodo and being replaced by AMQP and the browser seemingly taken over by Pusher, this session seeks to examine what kids of things AMQP can actually do, why its supposedly better.

We'll try and get it set up on EC2 (and perhaps others if others know it), have a look at 0MQ (zeromq - which is more of a nuts and bolts toolkit it appears) and pusher and the like. Ideally we want to be able to drop items into queues and pubsub and have it spit out into browsers everywhere as well as other processes.

This is on ANZAC day - it might move depending. We'll go until a maximum of 4pm. Max 6 people. 

We will have available

  • Power
  • Wifi
  • Projector
  • Coffee Machine (Nespresso)
  • 2 toilets
  • 6 people max
  • Nexus maven repo (if we need it)


Preference is Git so please have it installed, maven is recommended if we need it. You may struggle with Windows but thats up to you.

Since space is limited I may need to remove some people if they don't provide adequate answers.

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