The Colorado Springs Open Source Software Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Colorado Springs Open Source Software Meetup Group
Thu, 26 Apr 2012, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Colorado Springs, US

6:00 - 6:30 PM - Food, Drinks & Networking
6:30 - 6:35 PM - Announcements
6:35 - 7:15 PM - Basic Concepts
7:15 - 7:20 PM - Break
7:20 - 8:40 PM - Main Speaker
8:40 - 8:55 PM - Door Prize Drawings

Alfresco Content Management System 

In the past, developers have chosen to develop their own content-centric apps from scratch or by leveraging low level libraries. A content repository like Alfresco can save time and cost. Even if you don?t choose Alfresco, you should still consider leveraging a standard API like CMIS as much as possible.

Michael McCarthy 

President of Tribloom Inc., Michael has been implementing Alfresco since 2008 and is a ?Recognized Alfresco Developer? in Alfresco?s accreditation program. He enjoys the challenge that each Alfresco project brings whether it is complex workflows or Share customizations. Michael also enjoys blogging about Alfresco and supporting the community with user groups and committing code contributions. His previous work experience includes Department of Defense contracting, as well as veterinary and human health care. Outside of work Michael enjoys surfing, hiking and strategy games. Michael holds a BS degree in Computer Science from Colorado State University.

Meta: Programming, Objects, and Classes

Metaclasses and metaprogramming have long been perceived as the province of software gurus ? an art shrouded in the mystique of action-at-a-distance and untraceable effects. To dispel the cloak of mystery, we'll broadly explore the subject of Meta-* from languages like Python, Javascript, Objective-C, Smalltalk, and even C/C++. We'll uncover how you are already using Meta-*, when direct application can yield compelling advantages in abstraction and code reuse, and discuss many of the pitfalls giving root to Meta-*'s reputation.

Shane Holloway 

Shane Holloway is CEO of TechGame Networks and a software engineer since 1996.  He has a passion for design and development of software and dynamic systems, and views software as a creative synthesis of art and science as aptly described in terms of beauty and elegance as correctness and performance. When not exploring the world of the digital, Shane dotes on his wife and son and struggles to decide between photography, backpacking, and culinary crafting for his free time.

Website Sponsor: Homeland Security Careers
Food Sponsor: VMWare
Door Prize Sponsors: Jetbrains - Software license (Several products to choose from)
Book Sponsor: OReilly Publishing - Technical books

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