Road To Windows 8 - Boston (free)

Wed, 2 May 2012, 13:30 - 16:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Microsoft NERD Center , One Memorial Drive, US

This series of free State of .NET events attempts to answer these questions and more, by taking an unbiased look at current and future development with .NET and other relevant Microsoft technologies. This includes Visual Studio 2010 technologies as well as an in-depth look at what is coming in the next version of Visual Studio (“VS11”) and Windows 8.

Join Markus Egger, Microsoft RD and one of the longest running MVPs, for an afternoon of free information. CODE/EPS is in a unique position to share information based on real world experience in projects that are either our own or one of the many projects we get to see in our role as mentors, trainers and consultants, as well as feedback we receive from CODE Magazine readers. This is NOT marketing hype! We will tell you which information you should invest time and money in, and which ones to avoid.

Topics Include: •Windows 8 •"Metro" Development •The impact of Windows 8 on today’s development effort •The future of C# and VB •The future of HTML and JavaScript •The future of C++

•WPF, Silverlight, and other XAML technologies today and tomorrow •Architecture to serve the needs of modern applications •The need for SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) today and tomorrow •HTML 5, CSS3, and JavaScript •ASP.NET MVC, Razor and jQuery •"Visual Studio Async" •Windows Phone 7 and other mobile devices •and more!

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