
The Charleston Java Users Group
16-17 May 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Charleston, US

A recent adopter of MongoDB, David Castro will share what he has learned from a few weeks of using this free, open-source, leading NoSQL solution. He will give an overview of the concepts, pros and cons, and use cases for MongoDB. After that brief high-level overview, he will go into his specific use case, in which he is using MongoDB to perform what otherwise would have been done using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) anti-pattern. He will provide a general overview of how MongoDB is a good fit for this, and will also show code samples of the system at work.

As a bonus, he has swag from 10gen, the creators of MongoDB, including stickers, quick-reference cards, and copies of "The Little MongoDB Book." (First come, first served, but it's a big box.)

In addition to MongoDB, you will see some Grails and SmartClient in action, both of which David has presented on in previous JUG meetings.

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