PhoneGap vs. Titanium: What is the best tool to build an HTML 5 mobile app?

San Diego iPhone/Blackberry/Android Mobile Developers
Fri, 1 Jun 2012, 00:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Diego, US

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PhoneGap vs. Titanium:
What is the best tool to build an HTML 5 mobile app?

Join us for demos and discussions of advantages and disadvantages of the two best tools for building HTML5 apps: PhoneGap and Titanium.

PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages what web stacks developers already know best; HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This free open source framework gives you the option to make your applications cross platform on multiple mobile devices.

Appcelerator's Titanium is the leading mobile platform of choice for thousands of companies seizing the mobile opportunity. With more than 40,000 applications deployed on 50 million devices, Appcelerator's award-winning Titanium Platform leverages over 5,000 mobile device and operating system APIs to create native iOS, Android, and HTML5 mobile web apps. Customers who standardize on the Titanium Platform get to market 70% faster and can quickly optimize business results with analytics-driven insights into user behavior and app performance.

Two technical experts from local mobile startups TapHunter and HealthE Hype will walk us through the tools with hands-on live demos.

Jeff "Flash" Gordon
Founder & CTO, TapHunter

Owen Biddle
Co-Founder & CTO, HealthE Hype

Vincenzo Belpiede
Senior Manager, Smart Devices Global Portfolio Planning, Nokia

Alex Shah, Chief Architect, TeamSOA, Inc. & CTO, CommerceTel Inc.
Vincenzo Belpiede, Solutions Manager, Nokia
Deepak Kundra, Principal Staff Software Engineer, Motorola
Jake Fields, Creative Director, Treeline Interactive
Devang Thakkar, Consultant

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