Hangout w/ Paul Irish, Paul Kinlan, Addy Osmani, Pete LePage, and Sam Dutton!!!!

#GTUGSF - Google Technology User Group - San Francisco
Thu, 26 Jul 2012, 16:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

GDGsf would like to raise awareness for an epic GDL session tomorrow morning Live from London!
Chrome "Office Hours" on Google Developers Live!

Thursday 7/24,9 a.m. PST

Curious about web app development, HTML5, Chrome, Yeoman, or anything else?

This is your chance to ask the Chrome Developer Relations team all of your questions!

A lot of the team members are in London this week, so we'll host the meeting live from there. Paul Irish, Paul Kinlan, Addy Osmani, Pete LePage, and Sam Dutton will be on hand, so don't be afraid to ask your hard questions ;-)

No need to register/RSVP;
Just tune in tomorrow and submit your questions now:

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“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”