Devscovery Houston

1-3 Oct 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
2000 W. Sam Houston Parkway South , Houston, US

If you are an intermediate or advanced developer, plan to attend Devscovery - Wintellect’s three-day premier training event. For only $900, enjoy unbiased learning from experts like Jeffrey Richter, Jeff Prosise, John Robbins, and other industry authorities.

Have access to 33+ intense, practical training sessions covering web, mobile, cloud, agile, and .NET technologies. Return to the office strengthened and prepared for your work today, tomorrow, and in the next-generation of .NET development.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Owning a computer without programming is like having a kitchen and using only the microwave oven” - Charles Petzold