What's the flap, Jack? Breakfast and Java(script) Smackdown

Thu, 18 Oct 2012, 09:00 - 10:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
3025 Highland Pkwy. , Downers Grove, US

Learn about the frameworks the developer community is buzzing about.

Have you ever worked on a website that displayed data dynamically? Are you tired of putting HTML markup inside Javascript?

Chances are you’ve looked into using what’s known as an MV* framework. These kinds of frameworks aim to reduce the effort to bind Javascript and JSON data to the user’s screen.

Numerous JavaScript frameworks have emerged that simplify development of client-side user-interfaces. Our little smackdown will help you decide which of these great options best suit your need to build fast, responsive apps: Knockout, Angular or Ember.

How do they differ? Which one holds up best under real world stresses? We’ll compare and contrast these frameworks and rank them against our criteria in building a client-side heavy application that updates its data in real time.

Even if you already have a favorite, it’s always cool to see what the other frameworks can do.

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