Managing a Technical Career Under Analog Rules

New York ALT.NET Group
28-29 Nov 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US


IMO the career management rules for those in technology have changed ? except that for many involved in recruiting and retaining technology folks, they seemed to have missed the memo. As an engineer who crossed over to the dark side (that would be HR and recruiting), I'll be talking about the "new rules" that you can use to go as far as you'd like to go in your career. New rules? How about "?forget the resume, show me your repo"? Or "?social media is not just for house-bound agoraphobes who have far too much time on their hands"? Or "?if you have to speak to a recruiter how to get them to pass you on to the hiring manager"?

About Steve Levy:

There?s a saying that states that there?s no such thing as a ?former? Marine, Jesuit, Bartender or Engineer; I still consider myself to be an engineer. While I might be labeled as ?HR? (or even worse as a $^&#*%& Recruiter), the fact is that I?ve been immersed in the technology sector my entire professional life.

For sure I?ve forgotten my LISP, Prolog and C but I?ve cozied up to, recruited, and counseled enough CTOs, heads of software engineering, and developers over the years to be able to know how they think and act. I?ve also been fortunate to build some incredible technical teams for start-ups and turnarounds.

I?m also the co-Founder of the Long Island .NET Users Group; it?s taken some time to build it up but the monthly meetings are now replete with great speakers and content. My goal has always been to build the community around .NET and related technologies and not to create a place where recruiters can take advantage of a captive audience. Yet I?m not solely a .NET enabler; everything open source, sysadmin, and infrastructure has also seen my fingerprints.

Onward to the more standard parts of my bio?

Professionally, I?m jazzed by solving recruiting, social media, and organizational development problems. I?ve been referred to as "the recruiting industry's answer to Tom Peters" (by Jeff Hunter, presently Head of Recruiting at Bridgewater Associates) for his unique method of combining traditional SWOTanalyses with a PEST (current/future Political-Economic-Social-Technological issues) analysis wrapper to build and lead strategic talent acquisition initiatives. In addition to my current work in recruiting, I?ve been part of the Society for Human Resources Management?s initiative to develop ANSI standards for workforce planning.

Within the social recruiting space, I?ve been recognized as The 10 to Follow in Social Media Recruiting, Top 25 Twitter Accounts for Job Seekers to Follow, Top 100 Twitter Accounts Job Seekers MUST Follow: 2012, Top 50 Twitter Accounts Job Seekers MUST Follow: 2011, 101 Career Experts all Job Hunters Should Follow on Twitter, and Top 100 HR & Recruiting Pros to Follow on Twitter. #HFchat ? where I?m one of the co-Moderators, is known as one of the 4 Twitter Chats Every Job Seeker Should Know. Yes, even for developers...

In recruiting, I?m well-respected as one of the best sourcers (recruiting-speak for I can find people; some might also refer to it as ?cyberstalking? ? I prefer calling it ?research?) in the business, combining old school and "new cool" techniques to identify and engage exceptional talent including the mythical purple squirrels.

I?m an incurable blogger and social media wonk who is passionate about technology and veteran issues. Have also been a COI with Armed Forces recruiting for many years, a volunteer "fitness consultant" with the Navy, and my family has a storied history of service to our country.

See my LinkedIn profile for more.

This meeting will be held at the Microsoft offices as usual. Check the Meetup site for details!


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