DC Alt .Net Meetup

Tue, 14 May 2013, 18:30 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
NRECA Building , Arlington, US

"Illuminating Lucene .Net: Bringing Full-Text Search to Light"

Tired of shredding C# objects to shove them into a SQL database? Are you frustrated because SQL full-text search isn't providing the features you need? Curious about the search technology used by web sites like StackOverflow and NoSQL databases like RavenDB? Come learn about Lucene.Net, one of the best-kept secrets in the .NET ecosystem.

By the way, Lucene.Net is the C# version of the Apache Lucene full-text indexing engine and document database.

Speaker Bio: W. Dean Thrasher is a DC ALT.NET member who has spent most of the last decade working with relational databases and large scale information management systems. The last two web content management systems he built for different clients relied upon Lucene.Net, and he's eager to share his enthusiasm for it and experience with it.

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“C++ : Where friends have access to your private members.” - Gavin Russell Baker