Microsoft Business Intelligence Users Group of South Florida - Introduction to Power Query by Devin knight

Wed, 9 Oct 2013, 18:30 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
3301 College Avenue , Davie, US

10/09/2013 - 6:30 PM - Carl DeSantis Bldg Room 4030, Nova University - Davie, FL - Summary: Power Query (Formally known as Data Explorer) is a free add-in for Excel 2010 and up that provide users an easy way to discover, combine and refine data all within the familiar Excel interface. With Power Query you can now combine and transform data from a variety of unusual data sources all within Excel, which would have previously required a complex ETL job. Join Devin and learn how you can use Power Query to take your Self-Service BI solutions to the next level

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