Vancouver ExpressionEngine Meetup #2: Pump up the Control Panel

The Vancouver ExpressionEngine CMS Meetup
Thu, 11 Jun 2009, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
St. Augustine's , Vancouver, CA

On the slate: how to improve ExpressionEngine's publishing UI.

We're going to show you how to install and configure the most useful EE Control Panel extensions and plugins and demonstrate how they make publishing with EE more efficient.

We'll look at Add-Ons like:

MD Markitup (Masuga Design) Edit Tab AJAX, Cloner, & Edit Alert (EllisLab) Edit This, Listifier, or Publish Improve (Hop Studios)

While there are lots of publish improvement Add-Ons we could explore, we want to hear about your favourites or the extensions you most want to know about. Let us know and we'll try and get them on the list.

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