London Ruby User Group (LRUG) July 2009 Meetings

Wed, 8 Jul 2009, 18:30 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Crypt, St James Church Clerkenwell , London, GB

The July meeting of LRUG promises to be full of the usual ruby chat. So far lined up we have:

Tom Stuart - talking about the uses of abstract algebra in ruby and the pub. Tomasz Wegrzanowski - ruby + arduino

There will be more speakers (we aim for 3).

After the talks we head to The Crown Tavern ( for a few drinks. We're usually there from about 8pm.

NOTE: You have to register with our hosts Skills Matter if you want to attend the talks. This upcoming event page is for convenient calendaring only.

DOUBLE NOTE: The registration link isn't live yet. Watch this space.

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