Corralling the Chaos: Making Software Development Hum

Thu, 27 Aug 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Rafael, US

[b]Speaker: Ron Lichty Software Development and Technology Change Leader[/b]

What software development organization doesn't feel chaotic right now? Some chaos, managed well - the part known as innovation - can be a very good thing. But chaos is very hard to manage.

If you ever been dissatisfied with software development and would like to figure out how to avoid the chaos, diagnose its causes, repair and heal the product organization, and make software development hum, you need to attend this SofTech presentation.

Ron will walk through the steps needed to identify and assess your organization, define success, and pull together the elements that will bring order and increase productivity for your business. He'll talk about how to: [list]

  • Write a Definition of Success
  • Fix your Requirements process
  • Pull together Roadmaps
  • Develop Motivation and Communicate Urgency
  • Plan your project for success
  • Align your culture with customers, products and making money
  • Grow your team leads and managers
  • Fix interdepartmental communication
  • Measure everything you can
  • Optimize process
  • Assess your team
  • Focus on Quality: Bugs, UI, performance, security[/list]
  • Ron Lichty is an award-winning software engineering executive and published and patented technology leader.

    Ron has been managing product development for over 20 years at Apple Computer, Berkeley Systems, Fujitsu, mFactory, Charles Schwab, Macromedia, Avenue A | Razorfish, Forensic Logic, Socialtext and Check Point. He's the co-founder and co-chair, Software Architecture and Modeling SIG, SDForum; and Best Practices SIG at eBig.

    Ron's Specialties:[list]

  • Leading on-time, on-budget software development.
  • Implementing effective software process and methodology.
  • Turning around long-delayed software products.
  • Transforming product organizations in disarray into smooth, collaborative, high-performance teams.
  • [*]Creating product and technology roadmaps aligned with and prioritized to business goals and customers.

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