What does the New iPhone and 3.0 SDK Mean for iPhone Developers?

Toronto iPhone Developers Boot Camp
20-21 Jul 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Toronto, CA

Apple will announce in June the new iPhone with video and the widespread distribution of the 3.0 SDK that will allow in-app purchases so developers can offer subscription content and provide the ability to sell new content and features in a simple and secure process from directly within their apps. Meanwhile, game developers can leverage the new peer-to-peer connections support to more easily create peer-to-peer network games for iPhone and iPod touch by using Bluetooth.

The updated iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK) has over 1,000 new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) which will facilitate new capabilities such as in-app content purchases; peer-to-peer connections over Bonjour; an app interface for hardware accessories; access to the iPod music library; a new Maps API and the long-awaited push notification support.

Alex Cone, lead iPhone Developer and trainer of the iPhone Boot Camp, will discuss in depth and chair a discussion about iPhone 3.0 and what it means commercially for developers. You can see some video clips of this same discussion in NYC back in March when the beta 3.0 was first released:

This meetup is the day before our first Three Day Intensive iPhone Boot Camp in Toronto. Come join us for a drink afterwards at a nearby bar or at the iPhone Mansion, if we find a suitable mansion in Toronto to hold our meetup.

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