Social PR Forum

Fri, 4 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
RIBA , London, GB

Social PR is a one day conference designed to address the issues surrounding PR and the social media space. The conference will look into how these topics are impacting on each other and how PR professionals can relate and work effectively within the new challenges web 2.0 communication channels bring. Show highlights include: • Learn from global PR companies who have successfully embraced social media • Understand what products and services you should be using, and how to use them well • Listen to top commentators and experts on their take on why social media can be effective in PR and why not to fear it • Learn how to seamlessly introduce social media into your way of thinking and into your employees • Listen to how award winning campaigns utilised the social space successfully • Understand how offical bodies view PR in the social media space • Network immediately with our first-class pre-show online meeting planner • View the full list of speakers

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