Best Practices Conference

24-26 Aug 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
12012 Sunset Hills Road , Reston, US

The Best Practices Conference is where you'll find the smartest ideas, activities and techniques in practice today -- the Core Methods that achieve the best outcomes -- giving you a framework to:

•sort through the best solutions to any task •reach consistent, confident decisions at every level •break the cycle of avoidance, disagreement and subpar results •eliminate design, deployment, organizational and administrative confusion •enhance communication, collaboration and efficiency while lowering costs •avoid technology errors, misconceptions and pitfalls •leverage the hard-won experience of industry leaders •gain early competitive advantages •replace disorder with clarity, direction and confidence

Now SharePoint and SQL Server Best Practices at One Conference The next Best Practices Conference features top experts and industry leaders in both SharePoint and SQL Server, for even greater value. Attend tracks from one or both - at no additional cost.

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“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila” - Mitch Ratcliffe