The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade September Meetup

The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
Mon, 21 Sep 2009, 08:00 - 10:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Spring Hill, AU

As folks return to Brisbane from their many travels, both to the ski fields in the south and various overseas haunts, it is time to put aside whatever shameful behaviour they may have perpetrated in the past weeks and once again concentrate on higher things. Polished jewels. Yes. Ruby. In all its glory. So sign up and bring your best fighting gear.

Lightning Talks

Requested [list] [*] [/list]

Proposed [list]

  • Git GUIs (Nigel)
  • Balsamiq mockups (Nigel)
  • Nigel's House of Pain
  • culerity/celerity vs webrat (Nic)
  • [/list]

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