The Brisbane Internet Business September Meetup

Brisbane Internet Business Meetup Group
Thu, 10 Sep 2009, 08:30 - 10:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Spring Hill, AU

It's been a while since our last meetup. My fault, sorry - I've been all over the place with work lately.

Please join me in celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the BIBMG.

This is another chance to meet fellow Internet business owners and share success stories, tips and tricks, and the latest of what's hot in Internet business.

This meetup is kindly being hosted by ilab and due to the size of the room, I've put an attendance limit of 40 so please R.S.V.P quick if you want to attend as we have a lot of members now. If you wish to attend and the limit has already been reached, you can put yourself down on the waiting list - it's quite common for a few people to drop out close to the meetup for one reason or another.

I've moved the starting time ahead slightly to what it has been before. It will now start at 6:30pm instead of 7pm. I hope that's ok with everyone.

This is also a call-out for a presentation. If you have a 5 to 10 minute presentation that you would be willing to make (internet connection and projector will be provided) please let me know. I've already had one budding volunteer - Daniel Brady will be giving a presentation entitled 'How I Increased my Profit by 250% in just 2 Months - Using Multivariate Testing'. Each session will be followed by a short period of Q and A.

Based on experience from our previous meetups the number of presentations is restricted to just 2 to allow more time for the discussions, so i just need on more willing volunteer.

After the presentations, for those that are able to stay on, we'll head over to a local restaurant for a bite to eat and a few drinks. I'll probably book the Raun Thai again but let me know if you have any better suggestions.

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“Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.”