Scala Learning Meetup

New York Scala Enthusiasts
14-15 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

In this meetup we'll break out into groups to work on various prepared activities in Scala programming, which may or may not come together to make some awesome software in the end. We'll need leaders for these groups, people that have some Scala coding experience, to make sure that things move along and also to help decide what sort of software we're putting together. The number of leaders we need depends on the number of people that sign up; ideally the group size will be small (3-5?).

Please "Talk about this meetup" if you have some ideas for small projects that can be done in less than an hour, and say yes in the RSVP question to volunteer to be a leader if you know some Scala and can devote a hour or so of preparation time. Then your name will be added to this fancy list:


  • Dustin
  • Nathan
  • [/list]

    And chime in if you have any ideas of a good location for this kind of meetup. We don't necessarily need a huge table and projector.

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