Grails HackFest and Show & Tell

The New York Groovy / Grails Meetup Group
22-23 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Sorry for the short notice, but it's time for another meeting.

I've been wanting to do a smaller session where the focus is more on sharing experiences as opposed to a formal presentation. I've been doing a lot of Grails recently, including some plugin development, and want to share some of my experiences, and learn about what others are doing.

Please bring your tips, questions, and cool stuff you are working on so you can share with the group.

Just to give us something concrete to start the conversation, I'll demo some stuff I've been working on, which is trying to push scaffolding beyond the limits that the Grails supports out of the box. Things like being able to inject code into your dynamically scaffolded pages, customize which properties are shown where on the CRUD pages, and the like. I'll talk about this plugin and how it is designed, and then we'll have a free-for all. I am planning to release the plugin to the public repository, but would love to hear some feedback on the direction I am taking. We can also take a look at alternative approaches like ScaffoldTags plugin, which is quite cool. I also developed another plugin that helps you create pretty graphs easily, so can talk about that.

I've also been exploring many other plugins, so we can go over some other ones if there is interest.

We have a medium-sized conference room, so the space is nice and quiet. The entrance is from 76 Beaver Street, you'll need to sign in so bring your ID.

Looking forward,


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