Groovy & Grails eXchange 2009 - London - December 9&10th

OpenSource & Agile Community Events
Wed, 9 Dec 2009, 09:30 - 11:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
RSA , London EC1A 4DD, GB
195.0 GBP


Following on from the success in previous years, Skills Matter is pleased to organise another Groovy & Grails eXchange. We hope to bring together the leading innovators in the Groovy & Grails community, including Guillaume Laforge and Graeme Rocher, the leads on Groovy and Grails projects respectively, with London's Groovy, Grails and Java web development community, for an informal day of deep technical insight and friendly discussion.

The aim of the Groovy & Grails eXchange is to promote awareness and adoption of innovative ideas and technologies, for enterprise JEE development with Groovy and Grails.

With Guillaume LaForge and Graeme Rocher providing the conference keynotes, 10 expert talks and four Parkbench sessions, these exciting two days are structured to encourage discussion and bring together the leading thinkers and passionate members of the UK JEE, Groovy & Grails community. With a maximum number of 125 delegates, we aim to provide an informal and intimate environment where you can share experience, demonstrate new ideas and techniques, talk to the experts and generally have lots of fun.


Structure 2 days, 1 track, 125 delegates

Speakers Russ Miles has kindly agreed to be the Programme Lead, and is currently working with Guillaume LaForge, Graeme Rocher, Hans Dockter, Burt Beckwith and other leading experts on an interesting and exciting set of talks!

Groovy & Grails eXchange website

Register today - Tickets just £50 (offer valid until Sept 10th) To event aims to provide a real opportunity to share ideas, learn and discuss, so we have limited the number of delegates to 125 only. There is also an Early Bird Discount of nearly 75% if you book on or before September 10th/, so if you would like to join us, get your skates on and register today

Announcements We'll announce any news about the conference or talks on twitter @skillsmatter using the tag #groovygrailsX

Help spread the word If you are member of any user group and would like to announce the conference on any Groovy, Grails or Java User Group webpages, that would be fantastic! If so, please send us an email with subject line: “[community] Groovy & Grails eXchange” and include the link where the event is published, plus a small user group logo and a short description of your user group and we'll publish the logo + link on the conference pages.....

Sponsorship There are a variety of sponsorship packages available for organisations that wish to reach this audience. If you think your organisation may be interested in sponsoring the event, or you know of any other organisations, please contact Skills Matter's Community Manager Natalie Gray further details about sponsorship packages. Natalie can be reached on natalie [dot] gray [at] skillsmatter dot com

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