Windows 7 Launch Party / Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Kuala Launch Party

Niagara Linux Users Meetup
22-23 Oct 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Lincoln, CA

Anyone interested in Ubuntu 9.10? How about Comparing it to Windows 7? Anyone interested in learning about Windows 7? Interested in looking at running a Windows 7 virtual machine on your linux box? Interested in running Linux in a Virtual Machine on your Windows 7 box? Interested in mocking windows 7?

I am throwing a Windows 7/Ubuntu 9.10 Launch Party on October 22nd at 7PM. Food and Refreshments will be provided. If interested contact me and I will send you the RSVP instructions and code for the Launch Party.

Location 3980 Old Orchard Way Vineland

Directions Take the Victoria Avenue Exit from the QEW. Follow Victoria Avenue to Menno Street. Turn left onto Menno and Follow it to the end. That will be Twenty-Third Street. Turn Right and then your first right will be Old Orchard Way. We are just a few houses down.

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