The Michigan Ruby Users Group (Grand Rapids) November Meetup

The Michigan Ruby Users Group (Grand Rapids)
3-4 Nov 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Wyoming, US

Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM Food: Free Pizza and Drinks!


People Design/MHS Office Grand Rapids, MI 49503 United States

Parking: Open parking around the area (free after 5:00PM)

Speaker: Developer Retrospective, Mark Van Holstyn is the facilitator

Topic: JavaScript Libraries: What You Love, Hate, and Everything In Between

The topic for October is "JavaScript Libraries: What You Love, Hate, and Everything In Between". This isn't going to be a traditional presentation with one person being up front. Instead, we're going to treat it more like a developer retrospective and we want everyone to share.

To help facilitate the discussion, Mark Van Holstyn from Mutually Human Software has volunteered to guide things along by keeping the conversation moving while providing real world examples and insight from his experiences building JS-heavy webapps.

Here's what we need from you over the next two weeks:

  1. Pull fresh all of those repressed memories you have for what you dislike and really loathe about JavaScript or any of the infamous libraries like jQuery, Prototype, Mootools, Dojo, etc.

  2. Jot down a list of the things you love about JavaScript or a particular library.

  3. Bring any notes or code snippets that will help people understand what you do/don't like.

  4. Be open for great discussion and be ready to agree to disagree, with at least one person. :)

Some of the areas of interest for the discussion will be around:

  • aesthetics
  • organization
  • surprises (both good and bad)
  • consistency
  • verbosity
  • workarounds
  • simplicity

If you have any other areas of interest join the ML and post to it. If you're not already subscribed subscribe now:

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