Group Meeting - December 2009

Organiser - Gloucester .NET User Group
Wed, 9 Dec 2009, 18:00 - 21:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Symantec , Gloucester, GB

Abstract In this session we will introduce mocking, starting from the transition from state based testing to behaviour based testing using manual mocks and then moving on to mocking frameworks where we will explore the differences between stubs and mocks and how mocking frameworks can help with those hard to test areas of our code bases.

Bios Ronnie Barker, co-founder of The Agile Workshop, has been developing software since he first received a BBC Micro at the age of 10 and sold his first system at the age of 13. Since then he has continued to develop software and evangelise agile. He has also worked at NASA, a fact he still tries to 'seamlessly' drop into conversations whenever he has the chance.

Stephen Oakman, the other co-founder of The Agile Workshop, originally started as a graphic designer but gradually crossed further and further into the technical side with the advent of 'Web 1.0'. His passion for development and agile has since eradicated any inherent design like tendencies he may have had and in its place have left an NHibernate, Castle Windsor, S.O.L.I.D. monster in its place

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