Health 2.0 STAT II - featuring rapid fire presentations from Health 2.0 leaders

MD Web 2.0 & New Media
26-27 Jan 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Silver Spring, US

On the heels of a very successful Health 2.0 STAT event in November that included a series of informative speakers, we are currently planning for Health 2.0 STAT II. Plan to join us the evening of January 26th to hear a rapid-fire series of 5 minute presentations from 6 - 8 local Health 2.0 leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session and breakout sessions that facilitate and explore a range of topics of interest that stimulate conversation .

This event will emphasize the presentation of real world examples that highlight innovative use and results associated with implementing web 2.0 based solutions within Hospitals, medical research institutions, the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense and within the local health community.

We are currently looking to identify 6-8 speakers for this event. Each speaker will be given no more than 5 minutes to complete a presentation that highlights their experiences and lessons learned from implementing innovative Health 2.0 technologies and solutions. All speakers will participate in a Q&A session upon completion of all of the presentations.

If you are interested in speaking, you can learn more at

Event Details

This meetup will be held in a private back room at Jackie’s restaurant in downtown Silver Spring. This is a short walk from the Silver Spring metro on the red line and there is plenty of parking. As always, I want to make sure to give thanks to our sponsor, Aquilent. Thanks to their support, we have been able to continue putting on some really informative events and offer some great appetizers and beverages for all that attend the meetup.

You can follow us on twitter @DCHealth2_0

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