Scouting Out Execution Plans

10-11 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
201 Jones Road , 6th Floor, US

Speaker: Grant Fritchey

This session explores a large number of ways to generate execution plans, and shows the strengths, weaknesses, and uses of each of the various types. Most people are aware of the ability to generate execution plans from Management Studio, but how many know about using dynamic management views to pull execution plans out of the plan cache on SQL Server? If you do pull out an execution plan from cache, what kind of plan is it? What sort of information can you get from it? Did you know that you can generate execution plans directly from a Profiler trace? What types of execution plans are available from a trace? And is there a cost associated with collecting them? All of this information and more will be addressed during this session, including techniques for getting more detailed information out of execution plans as you work with them.

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