The NYC Lean Startup Dec Meetup: The Pivot

Fraser Kelton
Thu, 17 Dec 2009, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Smart founders don't switch to a completely new vision. Instead, they leverage what they've learned about customers and pivot toward a better future. A pivot is a gut wrenching decision for a founder, but one that successful entrepreneurs aren't afraid to make.

Join Matt Blumberg and Jack Sinclair, co-founders of Return Path, on Dec 16 @ 7pm to discuss The Art of the Pivot.

Since founding the company in 1999, Matt and Jack have orchestrated a number of pivots on their way to building Return Path into the world's leading email deliverability services company.


=> introductions => the pivot as it relates to the lean startup => presentation from Matt B => q and a with Matt and Jack

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