NOVA Solr/Lucene December Meetup, hosted by NOVAJUG

NOVA Lucene / Solr Meetup
16-17 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
FGM, Inc , Reston, US

NOVAJUG and Lucid Imagination Present: Solr Powered Lucene by Erik Hatcher sponsored by Lucid imagination Location: FGM, Inc.

Solr now powers the search of many enterprise applications and high profile web sites. Long before Solr shone on enterprise search, Lucene - Solr's core search library, was and still is used to drive the search of applications pervasively around the world. In this talk, Erik will introduce Solr, and dive right into building a full featured search/find application. We'll explore the plethora of ways to get data into Solr, including database (via JDBC), RSS/Atom/arbitraryML feeds, CSV, rich text (Word, PDF, HTML, etc) documents, native APIs, and more. And we'll end with full featured search/find application, complete with faceted navigation, query term highlighting, dynamic clustering, spell checking, and more-like-this capabilities.

Free pizza and sodas will be provided by Lucid Imagination.

NOVAJUG, the Northern Virginia Java Users Group, is a professional organization with over two thousand members, promoting the education of Software Engineering in general, and the use of Java and related technologies in particular. We meet regularly in the Northern Virginia area to network and attend high quality technical presentations.

Speaker: Erik Hatcher is the co-author of "Lucene in Action" as well as co-author of "Java Development with Ant". Erik has been an active member of the Lucene community - a leading Lucene and Solr committer, member of the Lucene Project Management Committee, member of the Apache Software Foundation as well as a frequent invited speaker at various industry events. Erik earned his B.S. in Computer Science from University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

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