GR8 Holiday Meeting - RVSP Please

The New York Groovy / Grails Meetup Group
29-30 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Happy Holidays Everybody,

Hope everybody is gearing up for a GR8 New Near! Welcome to all the new members - we are now 121 people strong.

But numbers don't mean much unless we actually do something. I in New York this week, and since I am rarely here, I was wondering if perhaps a few people would be up for a holiday meeting. I have access to a space in Wall Street area, so we could do a meeting around 6:30 there. Since this is so last minute, and it's in the middle of the holidays, let me know if you are interested - I'd like at least five people to RSVP to have the meeting to hold it.

As you probably know, Groovy 1.7 and Grails 1.2 just released. I have been using 1.2 for a while, so I will prepare a quick presentation about the new features. If anybody has anything else to talk about (formally, or informally - it could be a problem you are struggling with, or something cool you recently discovered), let me know.



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