What All Microsoft BI Developers Need to Know About MDX

The Silicon Valley SQL Server User Group
Wed, 20 Jan 2010, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

Speaker: Nathan Peterson, Solid Quality Mentors

Every developer should be able to write the MDX needed to create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to meet business requirements. This short session will give you a solid introduction to the language, so that you can start using its power to give your business the information it needs.

Many BI Developers create dimensions and cubes without knowing much about MDX. But there is a certain amount of MDX knowledge that is absolutely essential so that cubes can display the information required by a business. This session focusses on teaching the MDX that is needed to create calculated measures and named sets. This is an introductory look at MDX, considering what every BI developer should know and be able to do with MDX. Not every BI developer needs to be able to write MDX queries. But every developer should understand the MDX code needed to create calculated measures and named sets.

Nathan Peterson has been working with Analysis Services since it was called OLAP Services. He is currently working with Solid Quality Mentors on an Analysis Services project for the US Army. He has also worked as the lead developer of a local cube generating utility called CubeSlice. Nathan resides in Concord with his wife, Maria and 4 yr old son, Caleb.

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