Erjang - A Java hacker in Erlang-land (London Erlang User Group Talk)

Erlang Solutions
Thu, 4 Feb 2010, 18:30 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
29 London Fruit & Wool Exchange , London, GB

February brings us Mike Subelsky - co-founder of OtherInbox, the Baltimore Improv Group and Organizer of Ignite Baltimore. Mike is an all around skilled kinda guy, excelling at everything he does, so we are lucky to have him share with us some HTML5 buzzology.

Mike Subelsky presents Building HTML5 Applications - Beyond The Buzzwords. Modern browsers have changed web development by offering new, more powerful capabilities, known by the marketing buzzword "HTML5". He will show off a sophisticated example that shows you how to take advantage of workers, sockets, canvas, local storage, media embedding, and more. You'll learn how you can use HTML5 to build newer and better web applications, leaving old hacks and techniques behind.

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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann