Who’s Managing my Content?

Thu, 25 Feb 2010, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Rafael, US

Speaker: Tim Vander Vennet of Sitecore

Sitecore USA is headquartered in Mill Valley.

This presentation will introduce attendees to the growing world of enterprise content management (ECM), with a narrowing focus on web content management (WCM) and how today’s best and brightest organizations are leveraging these technologies to strengthen their organizations place in the market.

You Will Learn:

  • The dynamic landscape of ECM and how it affects how business is done today.
  • Why organizations who fail to leverage ECM are destined to fail.
  • About specific organizations that have leveraged WCM to increase their business’s goals and achievements.
  • How the digital landscape will affect how businesses operate in the future.

Tim Vander Vennet, Customer Engagement Manager for Sitecore USA, has been dedicated to the CMS space for the last two years. As a broad technologist with a passion for all things digital, Tim has been managing the sales, maintenance and upgrades for Sitecore, bringing partners and customers together to achieve truly great things. With firsthand knowledge of the challenges and opportunities confronting today’s business landscape, Tim will introduce us to the tools most successful organizations are implementing today to become successful tomorrow.

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