Double Feature: WCF+WF

6-10 Oct 2008 (Add to calendar) GMT
New Horizons , London, GB

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the next-generation platform for building connected systems on the Windows platform. WCF makes it possible to build secure, reliable, and transacted systems through a simplified programming model that unifies and improves many of the previous .NET technologies including ASMX, WSE, .NET Remoting, .NET Enterprise Services (COM+), and System.Messaging. Not only is WCF simpler to use than its predecessors, it’s also more flexible and interoperable thanks to its focus on service orientation and its support for standard protocols and specifications. WCF is sure to change the way every .NET developer builds connected systems in the years ahead.

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) allows developers to create dynamic, reactive applications with true object reuse and composition. WF provides the tools and services .NET developers need to add rich workflow capabilities to their ASP.NET and Smart Client applications as well as Web and Windows services. WF solves many common problems that developers encounter when building typical applications with processes that span more than a single interaction. With the ability to fully involve business users and IT Pros in the use and monitoring of an application, WF stands to change the way many .NET programs are written in the future.

This course will provide fast-paced exposure to both WCF and WF to get you started building transparent services and smart clients today.

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