BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London PRODID:-//developerFusion//DeveloperFusion.Events.Export 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100216T223000Z DTEND:20100217T010000Z LOCATION:470 Friendship Road, 470 Friendship Road, Harrisburg, US DESCRIPTION:5:30 - 6:00: Beginner SessionProgrammatic Unit Testing in VB.NET with MbUnit 3.1(Adam Knudsen) 6:00 - 6:20: Pizza and what's happening($3 contribution would be appreciated) 6:20 - 7:20: Advanced Session Programmatic Unit Testing in VB.NET with MbUnit 3.1 - Cont'd(Adam Knudsen SUMMARY:Central Penn .NET Users Group Meeting URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR