PHP Security

Boston PHP Meetup
24-25 Mar 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boston, US

Security can have a significant affect on you and your
business, but can seem daunting. One of the most important
aspects of creating secure sites is knowing what to look for.
In this meetup we’ll talk about:

- Why you should be concerned about security
- How PHP security fits in the larger picture
- Examples of common security concerns, with solutions
- How you can apply this information to improve your sites

While some of the topics we’ll discuss are specific to PHP,
most of them apply to a website written in any language. Since
this is a PHP meetup, the examples will all be written in PHP.
Planned topics include:

- Cross-Site Request Forgeries
- Cross-Site Scripting
- Session Fixation
- Cross-Site Session Transfer
- Pseudo-Random Number Generator Attacks
- SQL Injection
- Email Injection
- Path Disclosure
- Path Traversal
- Request Value Fixation
- Invalid Character Encoding
- File Uploads
- Password Hashing
- Magic Quotes and Register Globals
- Cryptography Mistakes

There will be opportunities throughout the talk to ask
questions, and links to more information about each topic will
be provided. You’re sure to walk away from this meetup better
informed about PHP security!

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