Web Design Lecture - Using JQuery to Create Dynamic Sites

East Toronto Web Design Meetup
Sat, 20 Mar 2010, 14:30 - 16:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Toronto, CA

This idea was suggested by Janis, but it's something I've been wanting to do for sometime. I think it is a good time to do this since we are getting regularly good turnouts at the meetups.

I will do the kickoff presentation, and if anyone wants to do future ones, that is certainly welcome.

Topic: Using JQuery to Create Dynamic Sites
I have noticed a trend recently back to "Flashy" websites, and if you've done Javascript code at all, you know that flashy can be difficult to achieve and perfect. Browser inconsistencies, name conflicts and cumbersome code are some of the challenges. In response to this challenge, JQuery has emerged as the framework of choice for some of the biggest sites out there. Once you use it for a short time, you will realize why. I have only just started with it, but I have been quite impressed at how easy it is to create dynamic client-side functionality that is cross-browser compatible.

I will give a few short JQuery tutorials and then start the discussion.

I intend to hold the meetup at a Library meeting room, so we will have no distractions. Right now, I am looking at holding it at S. Walter Stewart District Library (http://www.torontopub...). It is a central location that is fairly easy to get to by TTC, has plenty of parking and is a very nice, classy library, with a cafe. As an added bonus for those who have kids, there is an innovative KidsStop area that has a rocket ship, interactive areas and comfy reading areas. I have timed the event to coincide with story time, so that my kids can be close by. I will update the details once I have a firm booking.

Of course, if you have a better location where we can hold this, please let me know.

I will most likely ask for a small donation $2 - $5 (depending on attendance) to help offset the price of booking the library meeting room.

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