Marketing Performance FREE Power Session Mar 11

Marketing Performance for Entrepreneurs
Thu, 11 Mar 2010, 20:00 - 22:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Office Evolution (Bridge Centers) , Lone Tree, US

Absolutely no charge for this power hour where I can share my latest tips, or where you can ask your questions. With a small group setting, you will learn from what others ask also.

We will cover:
- Online Marketing Secrets
- Creating Power Language for your business
- Social Marketing tactics to get more attention
- Online Traffic Building techniques
- How to Write Ad Copy That Gets Action
- Email Marketing tips and technology
- Website Review and powerful improvements that you can implement today
- Search Engine marketing tactics


Most small companies have ridiculously ineffective internet marketing programs and websites!

Want to see how you can have immediate and significant gains in revenue and profitability?

+ Feel like you’re wasting advertising dollars, but aren't even sure where?
+ Website and landing pages not generating enough leads for sales?
+ Effectively using Social, Viral, Video, and Article Marketing techniques?
+ Are you happy with your Search Engine Marketing results?

Not sure how to spend your marketing dollars most effectively? By using cutting-edge Internet marketing tactics and expertly tuned writing techniques, we can leverage low-cost and no-cost marketing campaigns to start or expand your business and maximize your marketing results.

We have 20 years of experience in marketing for Fortune 500 corporations, SMBs,and start-ups, as well as 10-15 years experience in Internet Marketing and Website Development. We’ve spent well over 50 Million dollars of our employers’ money in online and off-line marketing activities, which has given us incredible experience on what works and what does not!.

Our Managing Director has a degree from Stanford University and has chosen the top talent in the industry to work with him. When you speak to us, you'll know our vision, clarity of thought, communication skills and project delivery are way beyond industry norm.

Just come to check out the FREE meeting to see what it's like, there is NO obligation. Where else will you get actual advice and marketing consulting from one of the top marketing experts in the state?

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”