The Boston Java April Meetup

The Boston Java Meetup Group
19-20 Apr 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cambridge, US

Vineet Manohar from Children's Hospital will be giving a presentation on Clickframes at the February meetup.

Vineet says:

"Clickframes (http://www.clickframe...) is an open source technology which lets you build your webapps in a faster, better and cheaper way. With Clickframes you can
generate complex webapps using Java, JEE, JPA, AJAX/Validation, JSF/Seam, Wicket or any platform of your choice -- without writing a single line of code! (Well, almost.)

"The presentation will cover the key ideas behind Clickframes, followed by a hands-on demo where we will create a fully functional webapp from scratch and demonstrate how Clickframes can get you started faster on a project without having to do all the housekeeping around setting up the app.

"Clickframes uses Model Driven Design and Code Generation to create Java Web Applications. Our goal is to make Web Application creation fast and easy irrespective of the framework you're using. Clickframes is currently available for JSF/Seam/JPA. We are actively working on new platforms, including Wicket and JSF2."

Our meetings are personal, engaging and everybody is sharing in the topic at hand. Come and share your experience with your peers.

P.S.: Thank you to the many members that RSVP (one way or another). This helps your humble organizer to manage the crowd at the venue.

I hope to see you there.



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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann