Nashville 2.0 Monthly Meetup

Nashville 2.0
Fri, 16 Apr 2010, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Nashville, US

If you missed Justin's presentation at Podcamp Nashville, "A User Experience Story: Three ways to make your website more efficient, more effective and more usable," then here's your opportunity to see it again!

Justin has agreed to give the same presentation for the Nashville 2.0 meet-up group this Thursday. I'm very excited as I've heard nothing but amazing feedback from attendees of this session.

Here's a description:
On the web, just being present longer cuts it. Instead, you've got to deliver content and value to your customers in ways that leave them thrilled. Unfortunately, in the fast paced world of web design and development, the design of the user experience - the work dedicated to making sure the website serves the customer in the best way - often gets neglected or omitted. In today's marketplace, better usability equals bigger revenue, as is being proven time and again.

In this presentation, Justin will walk you through three ways to evaluate your website and instantly start improving the user experience, told through the story of an eCommerce manager and her plight to improve sales. By the end of the session, you'll look at your website through different eyes, and you'll be well on your way to delivering a more usable and efficient experience for your customer that ultimately results in more zeros for your bottom line.

Justin is the founder of Madera Labs (http://www.maderalabs..., a user experience design consultancy based in Nashville, TN.

Feedback on this presentation from PodCamp Nashville 2010:

"AMAZING. Seriously."

"[Justin] is a great teacher. Solid talk about UX."

"Now, this is how you give a power point presentation! Thanks, Justin Davis!!"

"awesomesauce great storytelling"

So I hope to see everyone there on Thursday!


404 BNA Drive, Nashville, TN 37217

There will be plenty of parking... there are two buildings... Building 100 and Building 200 - we're in building 200...
it's the one on the right as you walk towards it... we are down one floor (basement) to the conference room.

Thanks to our sponsors for this meet-up:

Jake Robinson - Precious Metal Techicians - Conducting Gold Buying Parties for Fun and Profit

Connie Staggs - JobsInOrbit - Job Search 2.0 mentor and coach

See you tomorrow!


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