516Ads.com & 631Ads.com/ FREE Networking Night

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com/ FREE Networking Night
Monday April 12, 2010 6PM - 8PM
Mac's Steak House - macssteakhouse.com
12 Gerard Street
Huntington, NY 11743

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com will be back @ Macs Steak House, Monday April 12, 2010. Thanks to event sponsors Brian White- ameripriseadvisors.com/brian.x.white, Nicholas S. Libock - Libock & Associates LLC LibockandAssoc.com, Stephanie Ethe - Genworth Financial - stephanieetheltci.com, Sheryl R. Hecht - Prudential/Douglas Elliman Real Estate - 631-553-9593, Chesley Ruffin - The Ruffin Advisory Group - 516-848-3647 & Ron Kagan - Real Estate Mortgage Network - 516-610-4001 in addition to a night of quality networking, we'll be honoring the Long Island Advancement of Small Business (LIASB.com). Led by John Hill, the LIASB looks to inform, educate and fight for to ensure an environment where Long Island small business can thrive!!! Great people, delicious food, worthy cause, all the makings for a BIG TIME night of networking!!! Hope to see you there!

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