Black Screen Social - Color Of Money Edition

Atlanta Web Design Group
13-14 May 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
atlanta bread company , Atlanta, US

It's time for another social so we can all get together and chat about what's happening in the industry, in our work, and whatever else comes up.

This time we're going pay homage to one of the 80's classic movies about pool, The Color of Money. The great folks at Dunwoody Tavern are hosting the AWDG this month; they are giving us FREE pool for the night! Come out and hone your skills or challenge one of the sharks. Oh, and be sure to wear a shirt with your name on it.wink

We thought it would be fun to mock up the original movie poster with a couple of you that RSVPed. The talented John Williams skillfully recreated the poster.

See you at the Tavern!

"Black Screen" means we focus on each other instead of a speaker or presentation. This will be a great chance for all of the AWDG regulars to get to know each other a little more.

This is a free, social meetup so we can have a little fun, meet new people, get to know each other, and help grow the group.

All of you that haven't been to a Web Design Meetup in a while or new members that would like to get a feel for the group, this is your chance to come hang out, learn a little, and make some new friends. Also, grab someone that may be interested in the group and bring them along.

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“Better train people and risk they leave – than do nothing and risk they stay.” - Anonymous