HTML 5 Small Group Workshop

Atlanta Web Design Group
Sat, 15 May 2010, 17:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US
30.0 USD

Many of you have requested a more in-depth event covering HTML 5. Well, here it is. Moses Ngone and J Cornelius will host this small group event where we will get our hands dirty and dig into the various aspects of HTML 5.

We'll look at a variety of resources, discuss the details of the spec, and how to implement parts of HTML 5 in your current designs while still supporting legacy browsers. We'll take the time to dig into markup, answer questions, and discuss things as a group. The goal is that everyone who attends leaves knowing how to make the most of HTML 5 in their daily work.

What we'll cover:

  • New code standards
  • New tags: aside, article, header, footer, nav, time
  • video and audio, video captioning
  • canvas
  • forms: search, default values, validation (required), autofocus, etc...
  • solving the IE issue
  • Building a blog with HTML5
  • Building a contact form with HTML5
  • ... and as much as we have time for

Seating is limited to 30 people, a nice catered lunch and snacks will be provided. If you're interested, please RSVP now.

If you have specific questions please email J Cornelius.

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