NY Internet Week "Find a co-founder" Night

Girls in Tech NYC
7-8 Jun 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
Cosi , New York, US
10.0 USD

A NY Internet Week event brought to you by Entrepreneurs Roundtable, Girls in Tech, Startup One Stop and many more:

Learn how to start a venture the right way from experienced serial entrepreneurs. And find a co-founder!

Startups will pitch their companies to the audience for real-time matching.

New York Angels

Entrepreneurs Roundtable, Girls in Tech, Startup One Stop, Collective-e, NY Entrepreneur Week, Solidea Capital, Ultra Light Startups


7:30PM - 8:30PM - What is the best way to get started and find a co-founder?
Q&A and presentations on detailed step-by-step instructions on how to get started and how to find a co-founder.

Jeff Stewart - Founder of Mimeo
Stephen Messer - Founder of LinkShare
(More speakers to be announced)

8:30PM - 9:00PM - Find a co-founder
30 second pitches to find co-founders.
People will also wear green ( I am looking for a co-founder) and blue (I am looking to join a startup) badges.

9:00PM - ... Networking

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“Better train people and risk they leave – than do nothing and risk they stay.” - Anonymous