Designing for Windows Phone 7 (with Matchbox Mobile)

Windows Phone UG
Wed, 9 Feb 2011, 18:30 - 21:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Bar Kick , London, GB

We're back with our first proper event for 2011. We'll be hearing from James Morse (from Matchbox Mobile) about Designing for Windows Phone 7. Plus we'll be having our regular demo sessions where people can demonstrate the applications they've made and share the lessons they've learned in creating them. (Please get in touch if you have something to share.)

We're meeting in the basement of Juno Bar (in Shoreditch) - which is where some of of us went for drinks this week.

Please join us if you can.

Windows Phone 7 introduces some new ideas and opportunities for designers. We will explore how Windows Phone 7 differs from other mobile platforms, and share our experiences and prototyping techniques in creating designs that fit this new platform and its clearly-defined design paradigm.


James has been designing for a wide range of disciplines for over 15 years.

Early in his career he began to focus on user interface and user experience design in the emerging PDA and smartphone markets. His work for clients such as Microsoft, Tesco, Motorola and Verizon put him at the forefront of small-screen user experience design. His designs have been seen and enjoyed by tens of thousands of professionals and consumers, including early adopters of the USA’s first Windows Mobile smartphone.

As Creative Director at Matchbox Mobile he continues to be driven to develop, adopt and improve best practices for handheld device user experiences, and his growing portfolio of work testifies to his unique experience and industry-leading skills in creating designs that bring out the best in every platform.

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