Solving the SOA Paradox through Application Performance Monitoring

Enterprises are deploying SOAs to gain business flexibility and efficiency. However when it comes to ensuring superior performance this approach and the technologies that underpin it, pose special management challenges. The loose coupling of services offers clear benefits - such as better alignme...

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Episode synopsis

Enterprises are deploying SOAs to gain business flexibility and efficiency. However when it comes to ensuring superior performance this approach and the technologies that underpin it, pose special management challenges. The loose coupling of services offers clear benefits - such as better alignment between business and IT; however, the complexities of service-orientation bring hidden performance risks. SOAs are simply the next generation of composite web applications, which CA Wily has been managing for over 9 years. They do have specific management challenges, but these must be considered in the context of the whole web application infrastructure through which Web services transactions flow.

In this session we will share our experiences, ideas, observations and thoughts on the real world impact and associated challenges of composite Web applications. We will take a close look at some of the key technologies and approaches behind a Service Oriented Architecture or SOA; and then focus on the Application Performance Management challenges associated with SOA.

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