Advanced Topics in JPA

The Java Persistence API (JPA) is fast becoming the popular choice for object-relational persistence not only in Java EE environments but also in enterprise applications that make use of other technologies, such as Spring. Since the JPA standard has taken hold, the developer base has gotten m...

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Episode synopsis

The Java Persistence API (JPA) is fast becoming the popular choice for object-relational persistence not only in Java EE environments but also in enterprise applications that make use of other technologies, such as Spring. Since the JPA standard has taken hold, the developer base has gotten more experienced with the persistence model, and the questions that arise are now more of an intermediate or advanced nature.

In this talk we will introduce a few of the common features and use them as a platform on which we can discuss some of the higher order JPA topics. As part of this discussion we will show how to use multiple persistence units, define and tune identifier generators, create and invoke native queries, and use XML mapping files for overriding annotation metadata. We will also show how JPA can be used in Java SE and Spring environments.

While attendees that have some experience using JPA will profit from this talk, even those who are interested in JPA, but who have not yet started writing applications with it, could also enjoy it. Some kind of experience with Java persistence would be beneficial, though.

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