Spring Beyond the Obvious

Spring Beyond the Obvious - using Spring in complex enterprise projects. We all know how to dependency inject our service objects and our DAOs or Repository. We know how to set up a transactional service layer using @Transactional annotations or using <tx:advice> ...

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Spring Beyond the Obvious - using Spring in complex enterprise projects. We all know how to dependency inject our service objects and our DAOs or Repository. We know how to set up a transactional service layer using @Transactional annotations or using <tx:advice> in XML. There are plenty situations however where is doesn't end here. Many development teams use multiple environments (staging environments, production environments, et cetera). How do you set up your application context(s) in such a way that it easy to transition from one environment to the other. How does internationalization affect your application, et cetera.

In this talk Joris Kuipers will review several complex scenarios they both saw in real projects and how Spring helped solve those issues. Ranging from Spring extension points to the set up of your project; this really takes Spring beyond the obvious.

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